Tonne springs into spring with a new EP, Family & Me

Tonne Family & Me EP

While most bands are down in Austin for SXSW, playing six shows a day and eating more breakfast tacos than any person should ever ingest in a given five-day span, Oklahoma City’s Tonne decided to release a new, semi-surprise EP, Family & Me, here on the first day of spring. Our enjoyment of the band’s shoegaze-indebted debut is well-documented, and the first few listens to the new material do nothing to deter that affection, expanding their sound to suit the addition of two new members —Donald James and Kilyn Massey — to the core of Taylor Hale and Connor Schmigle. Expect a full review next week.

Catch Tonne opening for Boston product Pile — along with IndianGiver and Sonic Violence — this Tuesday at Dope Chapel, and give Family & Me a listen now: