3 Doors Down, Seether to usher era of total darkness into Oklahoma

3 doors down
3 Doors Down

It’s been foretold that two bands, clad in vintage rock tees, smelling heavily of Axe body spray and bearing the ashes of shuttered Hot Topics from abandoned shopping malls, would sweep into our dusty plain to rule the lands with music that was far more popular in 2005 blaring behind them. That day has finally come, as 3 Doors Down and Seether are making two stops — because of course they are — in Oklahoma in the midst of their co-headlining tour through the South. They’ll appear Friday, July 10 at Firelake Arena in Shawnee and Thursday, July 16 at Brady Theatre in Tulsa.

I, for one, am an aficionado of aging superheroesNational Guard movie theater recruitment promo reels circa 2007, and bands with prime numbers in their names, so I’m eagerly awaiting life in a post-“Kryptonite” hellscape with those sweet, government-mandated tribal tattoos. Plus, Seether made that song that sort of sounds like Brand New. That’s something, right?

Tickets to witness the rapture in person go on sale this Friday at 10 a.m. You can pay extra to meet your new overlords in person, should you peasants choose to do so.